Firstly, I've never done this blog business before but I've always thought about starting one, so here goes...
I've worked in hospitals since the tender age of 16; nearly 20 years ago, fresh from school and a virgin to the realities of life. I wasn't the model pupil or child by any means; being diagnosed with ADHD at a time when it wasn't seen as a real thing. Instead, I was seen as just a naughty problem child for the most part of my school life. I was just a child figuring out my role and purpose in life, and just misunderstood. Often having crazy outbursts due to frustration or boredom. Luckily for me I had a very good family network at the time. They understood me, even though I was a massive handful (never a dull moment in our home thanks to me) and they pushed me to achieve what I wanted in life.
When I left school, I had a passion for science and biology and a calling to help others. Not that most people recognised that fact through my behaviour. But in truth, deep down, I have a kind heart. It was just masked by a tough exterior, to get me through my misunderstood, adolescent years.
As a child I spent a lot of time in hospitals; having lots of different operations, as well as through my many, many, many accidents. Often breaking bones and, on one occasion, even getting hold of a Stanley knife and severing the ulnar nerve in my hand whilst in the bath, trying to cut the lid of a bubble bath figurine (narrowly avoiding a sex change in the process, as you do). Just one example of the never dull moments in my childhood!
So, once I left school in 2001, I wanted to give something back. I remembered all the kind people who had supported me whilst under their care. I thought "I want to do this. I want to be a nurse, just like my aunty Ally."
It was my mum who found an ad in the local paper for a cadet scheme at a local hospital, and off we went to an open day. I spent a few hours talking to people who worked in the hospital and about what they do and what qualifications I could get through this new scheme. I was blown away; this inspired me to go for it so I put my name down to show interest. I returned home and soon I was filling out an application form, with the help of aunty Ally of course.
I totally forgot about it as the weeks went by. When I got a letter in the post to say I had an interview, I was so proud and bursting with excitement. I promptly went out with my mates to celebrate; down the local woods or the park, I can't remember now. I drank my weight in White Lightning cider and smoked my fill of the cheapest cigarettes I could get.
There were only 10 spaces on the scheme, so I did my prep. With my parents' help and aunty Ally, I somehow got it.
The course lasted two years. In that time, I completed my NVQ levels 2 and 3 in nursing. I gained so much experience of the running of the hospital in the process but I was shocked at the same time. I'm not sure how many times I vomited in the sluice room, or nearly over patients, but let me tell you it was a lot! It was the awakening I needed in life. I had found my calling in nursing.
The cadet scheme led me to do my nurse training and I spent the next 3 years as a male student nurse. Trying to shrug off and change the social stigma at the time that nursing was a job for women and not men. Fighting against the "norm" in my own crazy fashion (nothing I wasn't used too).
But this didn't go to plan. As I was growing up, I spent a lot of my time going out to gigs and pubs, getting smashed, and trying to find a girlfriend - which lead me to neglect my studies and flunk uni.
I did, however, meet my amazing wife during this time; forging a lasting relationship which still stands today. A person that has always been there for me, even though I'm not the easiest person to live with. A relationship which has given me two wonderful children in the process with my wonderful wife.
I spent the next part of my career as a bank HCA (Health Care Assistant), working on multiple wards until 2008. I then took the plunge and went full-time, but it wasn't until 2016 that I got the opportunity to try again. I applied to start a foundation degree, to become an associate nurse practitioner. I then topped up my degree to a bachelor of science with honours. I even got a First, which wasn't an easy task, believe me - having a son under 5 with ADHD and autism, as well as expecting our second (my daughter) towards the end of my training! Meaning I had a lot of time off and had to make a lot of placement hours up, as well as the countless hours I spent studying. Again, this wouldn't have been possible without the support of my wife. She has been my rock over the years, even though I know I stressed her out and gave her grief in the process.
Finally, I had made it. I got my pin number in February 2020. Wide eyed and ready to embark on my new role as an RN (Registered Nurse) for the first time - only to be flung into a global pandemic! Let's just say I don't do things by halves! This is the start to my nursing role and my introduction to a mad first year as an RN!
Losing my blogging virginity and the history of me and how I became a Nurse.
Updated: Nov 8, 2021
Writing a blog is a great idea! You do such an interesting job and as you say, your life is never dull haha
Super proud of you bro. This will be a fantastic blog.
Love this!!! Your family is super proud of everything you have achieved!